
well, hey there!

I'm Anna (pronounced Ahh-nna, like Madonna... or for the next generation: just like the princess from the movie Frozen. You know, the princess that was kind, adventurous, funny and a little bit sarcastic. Not the ice princess everyone dresses up as for Halloween and the sister who only cared about herself and her magic. Ahem.)

I am married to the coolest guy in town and together we have four rad kids, a dog who has major issues, and a skeleton we adopted last year named Edgar Allan Bones (you can see him on Instagram if you hashtag #EdgarAllanBonesAtHome). I started @kidsaretheworst on Instagram as a way to share the madness of child rearing with my friends and anyone else who has kids that aren't perfect 24/7. So, hey, if that's you, welcome to the community of imperfect parenting and laughter.

Aside from being a mother, wife, Instagrammer, and writer, I am a speaker and candy eater. So if you need someone to speak at your next event--or someone to eat all of your candy at your next event--please contact me at kidsaretheworstest@gmail.com

Stick around, friends. This parenting ride is gonna go fast.


Submit your stories, photos, or ideas to kidsaretheworstest@gmail.com

By doing so, you give Kids Are The Worst all rights and privileges, including the right to make any editing. Credit will be given to you, unless you choose otherwise.