Hello Neighbor

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It’s time to talk about neighbor gifts. Here are a few ideas that are fun, easy, hilarious, or cute—all to make gift giving to your neighborhood SIMPLE!

Mmmmm… CHEX MIX. You could use this printable for homemade Chex Mix, too. From itsalwaysautumn.com

Mmmmm… CHEX MIX. You could use this printable for homemade Chex Mix, too. From itsalwaysautumn.com

Once you give this away, though, it will be nacho cheese. Which is kinda sad. But also great because GIVING IS AWESOME. From itsalwaysautumn.com

Once you give this away, though, it will be nacho cheese. Which is kinda sad. But also great because GIVING IS AWESOME. From itsalwaysautumn.com

This is actually pretty genius. Now I’m wondering why I didn’t think of this via overthebigmoon.com

This is actually pretty genius. Now I’m wondering why I didn’t think of this via overthebigmoon.com

I guess this means less water??… from mynameissnickerdoodle.com

I guess this means less water??… from mynameissnickerdoodle.com

Spread cheer, not germs. From darlingdoodlesdesign.com

Spread cheer, not germs. From darlingdoodlesdesign.com

Can I just pretend this never happened? That we didn’t shart… I mean SHARE this? Oh boy.

Can I just pretend this never happened? That we didn’t shart… I mean SHARE this? Oh boy.

And now for some neighbors you really like. HA!