I've read a few articles lately that question current health beliefs. It's amazing to me how many things are written every single day about health and diet and what we should do with our bodies (yes, including this one--ha!).
Scientists now claim that perhaps human bodies need more salt than health authorities have allowed. Salt is good! YEAH!
Oh, and all of those years of being told that "breakfast is the most important meal of the day" (except for that semester I spent in France), I now read that maybe, just maybe, breakfast eating might not be all its eggs are cracked up to be. Maybe.
Also, stop exercising to lose weight. Really. It makes perfect sense. Exercise because it feels amazing. Because you want to do more. Because you need the time to clear your head. Because exercising can help manage stress. Exercise because your body needs it, but not because you think you need a "beach body" like the commercials and Instagram accounts and advertisements tell you are so imperative to happiness.
I have four kids and while my own body has been marred by their formations and debuts, I know it's the best thing I own. And more importantly, I want my children to feel the same way about their own bodies. I don't want my kids to loathe their bodies for not looking a certain way, but to eat what is good and healthy and to move and run because they can!
This video is fantastic:
Moms, dad, daughters, sons, all y'all and me, too: we need to stop punishing our bodies. Read science and research and then make the best decisions FOR OUR BODY. Because bread is delicious. Salt is savor. Exercise makes you feel amazing. Water is life. Your body is fantastic. Love it. Work it. Own it.