I am still overwhelmed by all the support and shares with @kidsaretheworst. When I first had the idea to start an Instagram account that showed the "less desirable" side of parenting in a fun way, I had hoped that parents would find the account, have a good laugh, and not feel so alone. I had no idea that it would grow and be shared as it has. Thank you for being a part of it. Big kisses to YOU!
There are a few things I have learned as the account has grown that I didn't understand before and I wanted to share them with all of you that reach out to me, share photos and videos and want to have your account/photos featured on @kidsaretheworst.
- I am only able to see 100 of the most recent actions associated with my account. So when you @ me on a photo or in a message, if I am not on Instagram at that moment and checking the updates, I won't be able to see your message. These recent actions include likes, new follows, and all comments left on all posts. Sometimes 100 actions happen within a minute. If you have mentioned "@kidsaretheworst" and I haven't responded, this is why. There is a huge chance that I never saw it.
- Many people write #kidsaretheworst wrong. It happens to the best of us. Hashtags are hard to write because the spellcheck will always say it is wrong and words look funny anyway when jumbled together. One easy way to make sure it is spelled right--if you want to add the hashtag to be found--is to click on the hashtag in a @kidsaretheworst post. Then Instagram notes that you have interest in this specific hashtag and will autofill it as you type. Boom!
- If you have a private account, there is a 75% chance I cannot see your direct messages. For a while, I was messaging people back saying, "Darn, I can't see your message. Can you resend it or email it to me?" But frankly, aint nobody got time for that. Also, if you're private, there is a 100% chance that I cannot see anything on your account if you @ or # kidsaretheworst. (wink wink)
- Tagging OLD PHOTOS on Instagram will most likely not been seen. I see them in order of date posted, most recent first. So, if I start seeing familiar photos on the hashtag, I stop looking. If you have an old photo that you'd like to be considered for featuring, please email or direct message. Mwah!
- Sending videos is also difficult via Instagram's direct message. I don't know why this is, but it is a bizarre occurrence for me that I can receive photos from someone and then not videos via DM. Email them to me (address below) or #kidsaretheworst for best visibility.
- Please know that once you send me photos and videos, whether via email, DM, or #, that you are giving me the rights to repost and caption your photos. Unfortunately, photos get "stolen" off my page and reused without your rights. It is stupid, for sure. But, please be aware that you are taking the chance of not being appropriately credited once I post it. This is why I put the @kidsaretheworst symbol on all photos that come from followers, so it can always be traced back to the original owner. If I do post your photo, it will have @kidsaretheworst written on it.
- I can't post all the photos and videos I get. Love me anyway, ok? You would be surprised how many submissions that I get everyday. Often it is of the same type of thing that I recently posted. I try to post a variety of scenarios, because I think even I would tire of seeing diaper blowouts ten days in a row.
- The best-looking photos and the most obvious will be featured the most often. If your photo is too dark or blurry or takes too long to understand what is going on, the chance of being featured is lessened. People will look for about 1.2 seconds at a photo. If they don't see what is so funny or cute in that amount of time... DONE. So, take a clear, well-lit, obvious photo for a greater chance of being featured.
- I can't share your company, product, sister's custom pillow cases, blog, party, cause. As much as I would love to (and as much as I appreciate when people share for me), it would not be possible to share everyone who asks me to share. Once in a while I do find companies that make sense to partner with or who are an obvious fit with @kidsaretheworst. And to be fair to everyone, I have to be extremely picky. Please understand that I am rooting for you and your sister's companies. Legit. I hope everyone can find a good audience and success. I would love to chat and see if your brand works well with mine. Thanks for understanding.
Any other questions? Please ask me. Write them in the comments or email me at kidsaretheworstest@gmail.com. That's also where you can send videos and photos if you are private. Please add the name of your Instagram account in the email so I can give you proper credit.
Is there anything that you would love to see on the website here? Let me know? Know of anyone who would love to write a weekly feature on the blog? Have them email me. Are you following us on Facebook? So many questions, Anna!!
Thanks for reading all the way down. I can't wait to see what you can share with all of us. You're rad.