Gifts For the Children…

It’s for the children!

I always think of this Simpsons video when anyone says “think of the children” or “it’s for the children.”

It just makes me laugh.

Because, when are we NOT thinking of the children? Am I right??

Anyway, we have been working hard around here compiling gift ideas for your family, friends, and yourself. We are even thinking of doing a gift list for pets. Because my husband would be stoked about getting our dog a bunch of presents. ha!

This first gift list is all about the children. A kids Christmas gift list seems superfluous… I mean don’t they already create their own wish lists for Christmas, Hanukkah, and all other holidays where gifts may be exchanged?!

My kids start making a list of presents they hope to receive and then become determined that they’ll get whatever is on that list.

Say it with me, AS IF!

As my sons and I were compiling this list, there were a lot of items I showed them that they had never considered to put on a gift list. My eight-year-old son grabbed his “birthday/Christmas wish list” and promptly scratched a few things out to add many items listed below. Because SOMETIMES (or, rather, all of the time), parents know better.

I realize this is mostly geared toward the masculine child, so we are working on a more feminine kids wish list as well. Stay tuned.

I hope you find something in this gift list for kids that will help you on your holiday shopping. Most links are on the photos and to Amazon; they may be affiliate links.

We have had the Swurfer for a couple years and EVERYONE loves it. Especially neighbors. It’s a blast if you have a tall tree or sturdy branch.

The Air Hog was one of those toys that I showed to my boys and they both immediately put it on their wish lists.

We have had this over-the-door hoop for YEARS and my sons are just starting to get into it. I hear them slamming and shooting on their hoop all times of the day. Play basketball all year long! We shoot, we score!

Marbles, roller coaster, building stuff… it’s like a big kid marble run. And it breaks back down to easily fit in a box when they aren’t using it. Save it for the grandkids… someday! ;)

This large connect four game is so cool. It’s big, it makes a statement, and it’s NOT A VIDEO GAME! Score!

Maybe it’s because I have three sons, but this looks like a HIT! And a pedal go cart is up my alley… no need to worry about batteries, gas, or anything else that will probably break within the first week!