15 Reasons Kids are the Worst

Originally posted on babycenter.com in April, 2015
written by Anna Macfarlane, kidsaretheworst.NET

15 Reasons Kids are the Worst

If you have children, you know that your love for them runs crazy deep; so deep that you could dig a tunnel to the other side of the planet and you still wouldn’t have dug as deep as your love.

Sometimes, though, those same kids can drive you to the point of madness where you want to scream, “Kids are the worst!” at the top of your lungs. But, you’re not alone and that is why you need the Instagram account @KidsAreTheWorst. You don’t need to shout or scream or even cry. These 15 kids below have done things so hilariously rotten that we all can laugh together and then look at our own children and say, “Eh, you’re not so bad today. We can do this!”

Why Kids Are the Worst, Reason #1

They want to take that bath…. as soon as you get them dressed in their Sunday best.


Why Kids Are the Worst, Reason #2

They use their imaginative play to make mountains out of the laundry you just cleaned, folded, and put away.


Why Kids Are the Worst, Reason #3

Nothing impresses them. Not even what was once your favorite day of the entire school year.


Why Kids Are the Worst, Reason #4

HDTV is too realistic for them, so they put a filter on it.


Why Kids Are the Worst, Reason #5

Sometimes they take personal style matters into their own hands. (Anyone else think this girl was hoping to be like Rapunzel and see her hair turn brown?)


Why Kids Are the Worst, Reason #6


They are either professional tasters or professional wasters. Jury is still out.


Why Kids Are the Worst, Reason #7


They amaze you with their uncanny ability to make a mess in seconds. Holy Sheets!


Why Kids Are the Worst, Reason #8

You never get to sleep in anymore. And your alarm clock stinks.


Why Kids Are the Worst, Reason #9

They booby trap your bathroom and find reasons not to brush their teeth. All in one gesture.

Why Kids Are the Worst, Reason #10

Their skin is softer than yours. Also, where did all of your petroleum jelly go?

Why Kids Are the Worst, Reason #11

They throw fits in the worst possible aisle of the store. Don’t they realize that anyone in this section is already a bit upset? Maybe they sense it.

Why Kids Are the Worst, Reason #12


They remind you of that woman you used to work with that was always anxious about deadlines. Oh yeah, and they make messes of your best lipstick!


Why Kids Are the Worst, Reason #13


There is no secret hiding spot for you. They will always find you.

Why Kids Are the Worst, Reason #14

Gifts are always interesting from your kids. Often honest and sometimes sweet, some kids are lucky that they aren’t old enough to spell yet, or you might get a little offended.

Why Kids Are the Worst, Reason #15

They need lots of bandages for their pretend owies. Seriously, they can’t even.


Dear Children,

Laughing with you is so much more fun than crying. Someday you will understand when your kids throw the same tantrums, make similar messes and unintentionally offend that stranger in the grocery store, too, and we will be their grandparents that know how to laugh at it all. Hopefully you will laugh at your kids, too. Because, kids are the worst. Once in a while.

Your Parents